New mayor in Ooststellingwerf | News item

News item | 31-03-2023 | 4:32 pm

J. (Jack) Werkman has been appointed mayor of the municipality of Ooststellingwerf. The appointment will take effect on April 17, 2023.

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Mr Werkman (46 years old) is a member of the VVD.
He is currently an alderman in the municipality of Sluis.

Sandra Korthuis (VVD) is currently acting mayor of Ooststellingwerf.

New boat master yn Eaststellingwerf

J. (Jack) Werkman is a boargemaster of the municipality of Eaststellingwerf. The designation pours yn on April 17, 2023.

Mr Werkman (46 years old) is a member of the VVD. He is no wethalder in the municipality of Sluis. On this occasion, Sandra Korthuis (VVD) is acting board master fan Eaststellingwerf.
