New legislation as of 1 April limits number of carbon monoxide poisonings | News item

News item | 23-02-2023 | 09:26

In order to limit the number of victims of carbon monoxide poisoning, new legislation will come into force on 1 April 2023: the legal CO system. From that date, only CO2-free certified companies may carry out work on a gas combustion plant. Hiring a non-certified company or working on a gas combustion installation yourself is prohibited from that date.

Certified companies can be found in register

CO2-free certified companies can be recognized by the CO2-free logo and can be found in the ‘register of gas combustion plants‘. An installer also carries (digital) identification with which he or she can demonstrate that he or she works for a certified company. Companies that are not in the register after 1 April 2023 are no longer allowed to carry out work on gas combustion plants until they obtain the CO-free certificate.

Information campaign launched

Today the ‘Stop CO poisoning’ campaign of the Dutch Burns Foundation and the Netherlands Fire Brigade started in collaboration with the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations. This campaign draws people’s attention to the dangers of carbon monoxide and informs them about the new regulations.

Carbon monoxide poisoning

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a life-threatening gas. You can’t smell, taste or see it, but people who inhale it can get serious health problems and even die. Annually, carbon monoxide poisoning causes ten to twenty deaths and at least two hundred hospitalizations. Carbon monoxide often enters a house through an improperly installed or maintained gas combustion installation, such as a central heating boiler, geyser, gas heater, gas fireplace or flue gas discharge. This was revealed by research by the Dutch Safety Board (OvV). The new legislation has therefore been made on the recommendation of the OVV.
