New kitten at home, tips for food and play

THEfew plan it but almost all, when it happens, are delighted. The adoption of a kitten is equivalent to the entry into the family of a new member, albeit, more often than not, unexpected.

How does life change with a kitten?

This is what emerged from the research “How has your life changed with the arrival of your kitten?” that Schesir (brand of Whitebridge Pet Brands) he conducted involving his own community of feline owners.

The arrival of a cat in the house, says the study, unexpected for about half of the respondents, catalyzes relationships and feelings for 62% of them and is able to strengthen social relationships and friendship (60%). But the most striking fact is that 56% of the interviewees felt to all intents and purposes the cat’s “parent”.

Who declares himself “parent” and who fears the judgment of others

“In the clinic, the owner of the kitten has no qualms about defining himself in this way” explains the ethologist Margherita Paiano, “It is not the same out of this clinical context, out of a sort of modesty or because the judgment of others is feared: in fact there is a clear division between who he thinks he is excessive treating the kitten like a child and who has a care relationship in all respects “.

The “organic” causes of the parental instinct

But this parental relationship is not just a psychological reflex: «It is given by a hormonal activation which leads us to behave like we were gods real parents towards a species that is not ours. It is not only a psychological but a bodily feeling that has a chemical-physical root », assures the ethologist.

It takes respect for the feline nature of the animal

A further confirmation of this “parental instinct” that the kitten manages to ignite also comes from the feline consultant Elena Angeli: “At the basis of this attitude there is also an epimeletic motivation, or the need to take care of a living being. It is important that this desire is also accompanied by awareness and respect for the feline nature of the animal. The cat is a complex animal with which it is necessary to develop an empathic relationship ».

But how does it get into our homes?

Only 10% of the cats adopted by Italian families are taken from a breeder. The majority is given by friends (20%) or adopted by a cattery / shelter (36%): “A figure”, say Angeli, “which tells us how sensitivity towards animals in difficulty has increased”

Family lifestyle: is it suitable for a kitten?

Before adopting a cat, however, you need to make sure you have a lifestyle that suits him. “The first days with the cat are fundamental to create an ideal context”, underlines Margherita Paiano: “To the point that this first period of time is defined”sensitive time window “, in which the puppy tries to figure out where to place the” master ““.

What to do together?

According to the statements of the interviewees, the kitten revolutionizes domestic life: 39% of the new arrivals sleep in the owner’s bed and play with him as soon as he wakes up. 30% wait for the cuddles as soon as the biped returns from work. We watch TV together, until a good night kiss (as many as 14% of respondents). In some cases the kitten is the shadow of his “dad” or “mum” and follows him everywhere, even in the bedroom while changing.

The hunt for the kitten

In the first weeks of life, the experts reiterate, play is very important, one of the rituals that helps to consolidate the relationship. But immediately some traits of the species emerge that remain distinctive even if the cat grows in a domestic environment.

For example, the instinct of hunting: a “game” in which the search for prey is even more important than the moment in which it is consumed. In the home environment, a “parent” accompanies his puppy by making it “huntable” food in small doses several times a day, and not always in the same place but on high shelves, for example, which can be reached in a more or less adventurous way.

Weaning, from the 28th day of life

Particular care is taken by the owners of cats even at weaning, starting from the 28th day of life, that is the transition from mother’s milk to a semi-solid diet and, as the weeks go by, solid.

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There are recipes specifically for this phase, designed to support the development of the kitten’s immune and neurological system. For those who want to learn more, on the Schesir website you can download and the Miaopedia. A guide of over 80 pages with the vet’s tips and the diary to record the special moments of the first year of life with the kitten.

