New investment in the region: almost 577 million for Regional Deals | News item

News item | 01-11-2023 | 09:20

Minister Hugo de Jonge (Interior and Kingdom Relations, Housing and Spatial Planning) today gave the official go-ahead for 14 new Regional Deals in Ede. With the Regional Deals, the government and the region are committed to tackling important challenges in the Netherlands to increase the quality of living, working and living for residents and entrepreneurs. Especially in places that could use an extra boost. In this way we build community spirit, security of existence and quality of life together. This is necessary because the regions need more attention and investment. This was also previously evident from the report ‘Every region counts!’.

Minister De Jonge: ”Things will only go well in the Netherlands if things go well in all regions. We must work together to build a sense of community, security of existence and quality of life. That is why we conclude Regional Deals to strengthen the quality of living, working and living of residents and entrepreneurs.”

New Region Deals
A total of €284.2 million is available from the government for this tranche. The regions have more than doubled this amount. With the official starting signal today in Ede, the implementation of the Regional Deals selected in the fourth round begins. The new Regional Deals have been concluded with the Wadden Islands, Noardwest Fryslan, South and East Drenthe, Arnhem-Nijmegen, Twente, Parkstad-Limburg, Central Brabant, South Limburg, ZaanIJ (Amsterdam North, Zaandam East, Oostzaan), Nieuw Land (Almere-Lelystad), mainstage (Amsterdam-Zaanstad-Almere Metropolitan Region), South Rotterdam, The Hague Southwest and North Sea Port District (Vlissingen, Borsele, Terneuzen, Ghent). For example, the Regional Deal on the Wadden Islands makes a major increase in sustainability possible, and the Regional Deal in Southeast Drenthe focuses on good education and attracting and retaining talent.

In these Regional Deals, the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, Economic Affairs and Climate, Justice and Security, Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, Education, Culture and Sciences, Public Health, Welfare and Sport, Infrastructure and Water Management and Social Affairs and Employment work together intensively. with regional parties.

How does a Regional Deal work?

When concluding a Regional Deal, the regions themselves come up with plans and ideas to tackle complex tasks. For example, to better tailor training to the labor market or to make buildings and industrial estates more sustainable. The government will finance a maximum of half of the required investment. The government contribution is a one-off and in this round of Regional Deals amounts to a minimum of 5 million and a maximum of 40 million euros. When selecting proposals for Regional Deals, the size and complexity of the regional task, the proposed approach, which parties are co-financing from the region and how people from the regions and regional parties are involved, are taken into account.

900 million euros for Regional Deals during this cabinet period

During this cabinet period, the government has reserved a total of €900 million for three rounds of Regional Deals. The fifth round of Regional Deals will start in 2024. An amount of €384.6 million has been reserved for this, and regions will also contribute financially themselves. A new tranche of Regional Deals will follow in 2025. As in the previous cabinet period, the selection for the fifth round of Regional Deals takes into account a balanced distribution across the Netherlands. Special attention is also paid to regions where the quality of living, working and living is under pressure.
