New horror stories about neglect and aggression at nursery Mippie and Moppie 3: “Unbeknownst to us, our daughter was put to bed crying for hours on an empty stomach” | Zemst

ZemstThe branch of the Mippie and Moppie crèche in Keerbergen was closed on November 14 after a child was tied up with tape. But the incident now appears to be just the tip of the iceberg. Dozens of complaints of aggression, neglect and abuse in Mippie and Moppie 3 in Eppegem are popping up. They are all about manageress Myriam Broeckx and right hand BV Together with about 40 parents and former employees, mother Glenda (37) is now demanding justice for her daughter Féline (5) and all children of Mippie and Moppie. “It was harrowing in Keerbergen, but Eppegem is without a doubt the cesspool. All branches must be closed now.”

Carmen Schelkens, Tim Lescrauwaet

11/20/22, 4:51 PM

Latest update:
5:43 pm
