New heat battery is being tested with heat from Chemelot | 1Limburg

Researchers at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU) are working on a solution to get more houses off gas. They have developed a heat battery that works with the help of salt.

You can charge it in places with a lot of residual heat, and use it later in homes or offices. In Sittard, researchers will test this heat battery.

Fifty homes
The new system could help 3.5 million households in the Netherlands. According to Olaf Adan of Eindhoven University of Technology, this solution is greener than other solutions, it is much cheaper and much faster. “This technique that we are introducing can quickly take us off the gas. The pilot will take place in Limburg, where we will use heat from Chemelot to remove fifty homes in Sittard-Geleen from the gas,” says Adan.

He continues: “We are working closely with Brightsite, an initiative that is working on the greening of the industry. These are the first possibilities and we also have a lot of heat available.”

It will take some time before the heat battery can actually be used. The hardware will be built next year and the first follow-up steps will be taken in mid-2024. “We hope to start rolling out systems in 2025.”
