New Head of Sales for DACH comes from Nike

Buffalo Boots GmbH has appointed Wolfgang Merkl as the new Head of Sales for the DACH region. He succeeds in this position to Carmen Eysselein, “who has left the company,” Buffalo said Tuesday. Merkl reports directly to Buffalo Managing Director Mirko Ostendörfer.

Merkl has a strength “in the development of successful and sustainable customer relationships”, it said from Cologne. This strength, together with strategic market development, should ensure that the expansion and brand positioning is further developed.

“With Wolfgang Merkl, we were able to gain a sales professional with many years of experience and very in-depth knowledge of the market,” said Ostendörfer.

Before Merkl came to Buffalo, he worked for the US sportswear company Nike. There he held various management positions in sales for the DACH and Benelux markets for more than 20 years. At Buffalo he is responsible for the cooperation with the association groups ANWR, Sport2000, Intersport and Sabu as well as the key accounts from the shoe and sports retail trade.
