New government bonds not as popular as previous ones: weak start on first registration day | Domestic

Since yesterday, Belgians can register for government vouchers again. Earlier this month, Minister Van Peteghem proposed the new state bonds with a period of 5 or 8 years.

More than 4.7 million euros was raised through the banks on the first day: almost 2 million for the 5-year government bond and almost 2.7 million euros for the 8-year government bond. This is reported by the Federal Debt Agency. Another 57 registrations were made via the agency’s ledgers, worth more than 630,000 euros.

The 5-year government bond has an interest rate of 2.60 percent gross, the 8-year bond has a gross interest rate of 2.90 percent. Net this amounts to 1.82 percent and 2.03 percent respectively. You can register from 100 euros. The compensation is therefore considerably lower than the previous one-year government bond, which offered an interest rate of 2.81 percent net. A record amount of 21.9 billion euros was raised.

You can register for these new state vouchers until December 7. You can register via the bank, or directly via the General Ledger.

How do these government bonds compare to current savings interest rates? Compare it via the framework below.

WATCH ALSO. Van Peteghem announced the new government bond for a term of 5 or 8 years earlier this month
