New fashion magazine Pureviu illuminates people and stories about sustainability

The new fashion magazine Pureviu sees itself as a fashion, people and city magazine in one. It is edited by Mirjam Smend, who is also behind the Fair Fashion Fair & Conference Greenstyle Munich, and Heike Littger, who previously worked for the Süddeutsche Zeitung and Enorm Magazin.

“Because people move the fashion world. And change doesn’t happen anywhere. But in your own city, often in your own neighborhood,” says the press material on the release of Pureviu.

Image: Cover Pureviu / Sophie Wanninger

In each issue, the magazine will present so-called “fashion changers” in a city who are rethinking and redesigning fashion. In the debut edition, these are Marina Chahboune, Jessica Dettinger, Rüdiger Fox, Arnold Gevers, Judith Hettlage, Carmen Jenny, Kiala Kanzi, Anna Karsch, Philipp Langer, Arianna Nicoletti, Anne Schneider, Kim Scholze, Senada Sokollu, Lisa Wagner, Marlene Walter, Sonja Wunderlich and Michaela Wunderl-Strojny.

The aim is to write about sustainable fashion and to give the people and stories behind it a lot of space: “How much dedication, creativity and skill there is in clothing, shoes and accessories if we don’t see them as disposable goods! How much political and emancipatory potential,” the editors give food for thought.

Pureviu relies on long reading and photo sequences to increase the visibility of its protagonists and to clarify the relevance of a topic. The aim is to make fashion fair, sustainable, valued and connecting again.

Pureviu editors Mirjam Smend and Heike Littger / Yinin Got
Image: Pureviu editors Mirjam Smend (left) and Heike Littger / Yinin Got
