New England Patriots fans as lifesavers

The New England Patriots lose at home against the Miami Dolphins, the second defeat for the NFL team, which is used to success. But the more important news follows from the stands: two fans help an unconscious spectator – and possibly save his life.

NFL Network reporter Bridget Condon reported on the heroic rescue effort on X, formerly known as Twitter. As she suspected, the person was suffering from a heart attack, which the quick helpers treated immediately. And one of the people apparently wasn’t someone she didn’t know – but a family friend.

“My parents are at the Patriots game with their friends and someone in their section just had a heart attack and my dad’s friend (a firefighter) started giving him CPR, saving his life. Forget football “This is the best thing I’ve heard today!” Condon wrote.

A little later she posts a photo of the men and reveals their names. Anthony Colella and Mark McCullough take action at Gillette Stadium, but fail to prevent a heart attack. As the Daily Mail reports, the Patriots confirmed that the fan fainted but did not suffer from any heart problems. The spectator left the stadium awake and responsive and was taken to a hospital in Boston for examination, writes the English newspaper.

NFL: Defeat of the New England Patriots is just a minor matter

However, this in no way diminishes the respect for the attentive and helpful actions of the two Americans – as the Needham fire station, where McCullough works, announced on Facebook. The two men did a “great job”.

“Mark and Anthony noticed a fan who had become unconscious during the game. Firefighters immediately began CPR after checking the fan’s airway and pulse. The fan regained consciousness. Mark and Anthony remained by his side until the emergency services arrived at the scene,” it said.

Despite the defeat, the match day will remain an extremely positive memory for a long time, at least for some fans.
