New development in the attack on Oktay Derelioğlu! Statements of the suspects were revealed

Oktay Derelioğlu and his wife Başak Derelioğlu had an argument over giving way to traffic in Kadıköy on Tuesday, December 5. After a while, the vehicle driven by Oktay Derelioğlu started to be harassed by another vehicle due to the narrowing of the road. Later, Zekai Karaçoban and Nurettin Karaçoban blocked the Derelioğlu couple’s vehicle. While the parties getting out of the vehicle were fighting, Oktay Derelioğlu was injured.

Zekai Karaçoban and Nurettin Karaçoban were taken into custody upon the complaint. Zekai Karaçoban and Nurettin Karaçoban, who were referred to the Criminal Court of Peace after their statement to the prosecutor’s office, were arrested and sent to prison for the crime of ‘intentional wounding’. The statements of Zekai Karaçoban and Nurettin Karaçoban at the court were revealed.


Suspect Zekai Karaçoban said in his statement, “I do not know the other party. The argument started because he crashed his vehicle in front of me. The other party made the first move. He crashed in front of me, we started swearing while driving. There is no hitting, it is recorded on camera, he just fell to the ground during the scuffle. We did not hit the door of the vehicle in any way. “As soon as he opened it, he hit my brother. Afterwards, a fight broke out. There is absolutely no hitting. I demand to be tried without detention. If the court thinks otherwise, I demand the application of judicial control provisions,” he said.


Suspect Nurettin Karaçoban, in his statement at the judge’s court, said, “I do not accept the accusation made against me. We did not hit the other party. When there was a fight, we all fell. The other party also fell. There is nothing intentional. We do not know how such a qualified injury occurred. I have never been to the police station in my life. I am a dependent. “There are two families I am concerned about. I am a victim right now. I request to be tried without detention. If the court thinks otherwise, I request the application of judicial control provisions,” he said.
