New date for the “invasion” of Ukraine: Western media continue to escalate

The Western press, despite all the statements of Moscow, continues to escalate the situation around Ukraine. The media announced a new date for the allegedly impending “attack” by Russia.

The American press changes the date “Russian invasion” of Ukraine. Now it is February 20 – the day when the joint military exercises of Russia and Belarus will end. A sensational forecast is issued by Politico.

“The period after February 20 is the most important. Observers should monitor whether the troops are actually returning to their barracks or are redeploying to another place near the border with Ukraine,” the media writes.

The high-profile headline is based on the private opinion of Michael Kofman, an expert on the Russian armed forces, who works – attention! – on the Singapore channel broadcasting in Asia. This is not the first time that the level of Western press sources and their awareness is striking, the Kremlin noted.

“We have heard many dates in different performances. All this turned out to be stuffing, fakes., irresponsible fakes. None of the authors of these fakes later admitted they were wrong. This is probably another fake,” said the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov.

“But what about February 16?” – American reporters are perplexed at a briefing at the State Department, where until recently secret intelligence was voiced from the rostrum about how and when Russia was allegedly preparing to attack Ukraine.

– The invasion did not take place. Does this mean that US intelligence data was false? the journalist asks.

– No, it’s not. First of all, I don’t think you’ve heard us, from this or any other podium, name a specific day for the invasion. You have heard that we have been stressing for some time that the Russian Federation has been building up its resources to order an attack at any time. But if something does not happen, then this does not prove that our warnings were wrong, – says US State Department spokesman Ned Price.

The same questions and the same answers – at a press conference in the White House. But officials in the administration of US President Joseph Biden refuse to admit their mistakes.

“You heard President and Secretary of State (Anthony – ed.) Blinken say: We are in a time frame where we think an attack could happen at any time, and this will be preceded by fabricated data that Russia can use as a pretext for launched an invasion,” White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki said. “I think you all need to keep your ears open about fake videos, false accusations of using chemical weapons, or reports of attacks on Russian soldiers – attacks that didn’t really happen.”

Washington’s propaganda failure – this is how China Daily writes about fake forecasts, aka Zhongguo Daily, if in Chinese. The article, on behalf of the editors, directly says: the United States manipulates forecasts in order to escalate the situation in Europe. Here the American channel NBC scares the Old World with a wave of Ukrainian refugees.

“According to humanitarian organizations, if Russian troops attack Ukraine, Ukrainian-speaking civilians are likely to flee in EU countries, flooding across the western border of Ukraine into Slovakia, Hungary and Romania. And Poland will take most of this influx,” – broadcast by NBC.

Hype and hysteria – this is how Dmitry Polyansky, Deputy Russian Permanent Representative to the UN, commented on fears about an invasion of Ukraine in an interview with the British BBC Corporation. He explained again Moscow’s position on the exercisespassing, as it seems to the West, near the Ukrainian borders.

“This is our territory and our troops. And when you say that the troops are near the border, this does not mean that they are standing right on the border. They are based in this area, their numbers increase at some point, at some – decreases. This is an absolutely normal process for any country, not only for Russia. Why is there such hysteria around all this now? This is an absolutely artificial hype, an artificially created problem, “Polyansky said.

But when there is such a hype in the foreign press, there is already, as they say, every bast in a line. Take, for example, Ukrainian sites that have collapsed for a while – the Ministry of Defense, the Armed Forces and several banks.

USA Today hurries to warn Americans with another screaming headline – “And you can be affected by these cyberattacks.” In the article, by the way, they were attributed to Russia without any evidence. That’s just the specific date of this virtual invasion was still embarrassed to name.
