New court defeat for Till Lindemann

Rammstein rocker Till Lindemann (60) is still on stage (archive article)

Rammstein rocker Till Lindemann (60) is still on stage (archive article) Photo: picture alliance / Gonzales Photo/Nikolaj Bransholm

From the BZ editorial team

Till Lindemann (60) failed again in court.

The Rammstein frontman had already suffered a setback in August when he tried to forbid critics from accusing him of sexual abuse in a petition.

Now another defeat: Lindemann loses against the Süddeutsche Zeitung. This is what the SZ reports.

The newspaper reported in an article together with NDR that several women accused the 60-year-old of sexual assault and abuse of power. Lindemann took legal action against this.

The Frankfurt regional court ruled that the reporting was permissible. In its justification, the chamber stated that the “required minimum amount of evidence” could also be present if there was only one witness statement, according to the SZ. There is an “overwhelming public interest in information”, especially “from a prevention perspective”.

The judgment was issued on September 6th and was delivered to the SZ on Tuesday.

Till Lindemann and his lawyers stated that the sexual acts were consensual. As a result, the newspaper violated the Rammstein frontman’s privacy with its report. The court did not agree.

Lindemann has not yet commented on the verdict.


Berlin culture Berlin celebrities Rammstein Till Lindemann
