New college Aa and Hunze installed

The municipality of Aa en Hunze has started a new term of office tonight. The three aldermen have been sworn in by mayor Anno Wietze Hiemstra.

Ivo Berghuis (Municipality Interests) succeeds Henk Heijerman as alderman. Bas Luinge was already an alderman on behalf of the VVD and Kiena ten Brink will be working as an alderman on behalf of the PvdA. With three aldermen, Aa and Hunze have ‘one of the smallest councils in the province’, according to former alderman and formateur Henk Heijerman.

There was also criticism of the formation. For example, Marie-Claire Neesen (GroenLinks) said that she found it strange that her party – just like ‘winner’ D66 – did not participate in the lecture. That while Co Lambert belonged to the board during the previous term of office.

Neesen further described the report by formateur Heijerman as ‘very brief’. She hopes that an independent formateur – without party ties – will be appointed in 2026.
