New channel or old stream? Vote here for your favorite Find it out! question

This month you can vote again on a question submitted to Find it out!. We will stick to a theme this time, because both questions are about water in the province.

“The Schoonebeker Diep, also popularly known as ‘the stream’, has been canalized and the border with Germany. How did the river run in the past?” Arjan from Schoonebeek would like to know.

And how much did the construction of the King Willem Alexander Canal actually cost? Harm van Weerden is curious about the costs of the fairly new canal between the Scholtenskanaal near Klazienaveen and the Bladderswijk near Oranjedorp.

Which question do you want to know the answer to? Cast your vote and we will look for the answer to the question with the most votes!

Do you have a question yourself? You can submit it below:
