New Central Drenthe college wants 4000 extra homes

As in other municipalities, the new council in the municipality of Midden-Drenthe wants to invest heavily in housing. In the period up to 2030, 4000 homes are to be added. The plans for this will be elaborated over the next four years. It is one of the concrete action points of the new college.

“This is quite an ambition,” says party leader Tineke Posthoorn (PvdA). Her party brought the point up during the negotiations. “We have to get serious about it.” According to the party, housing construction is not only the first priority, but also the second and third.

That this is a remarkably high number for the rural municipality is apparent from the comparison with other municipalities. In the neighboring municipality of Westerveld, for example, the goal has been set to build about 1000 homes by 2030.

Moreover, research bureau Companen stated earlier this year that the total housing need for the southwest Drenthe region can be met with 3500 homes. This also includes the municipalities of Westerveld, Hoogeveen, De Wolden and Meppel. Isn’t 4000 homes just for Midden-Drenthe a bit much?

“That remains to be seen,” says Posthoorn. She points to the Delta Plan of the North, the young people who sometimes have to move to East Groningen or who have been on a waiting list for years, and the status holders for whom a place is being sought. “Perhaps other municipalities are too low with their numbers. We also have to meet the supraregional demand. Here in Central Drenthe you are in a favorable position: we have a station and you are along the A28. We can help with the need.”

Where should the houses be located? According to the new council, it is obvious that most homes will be built around Beilen. Beilen now has more than 11,000 inhabitants. “We think, but we still have to investigate that, that Beilen is the best place. We ask ourselves what you need to be an attractive place to live. Beilen has the facilities.”

For the other larger villages such as Westerbork and Smilde, the municipality is building according to need and at the pace that suits these cores. This also applies to plans in the other villages. Most homes will be social housing or affordable owner-occupied housing. But also mid-rental is being looked at. The option of high-rise is also mentioned.

In addition to housing, the municipality also wants to invest in better roads and bicycle paths. Further improvement of services is an important subject in the agreement. More examples of sustainability are also being looked at. For example, the municipality wants to investigate whether food forests and allotments can be planted on its own land.

Three aldermen will soon be seated in the new council: Jan Schipper (CDA) will take on the tasks of nitrogen, sustainability, traffic, income and economy. Dennis Bouwman (PvdA) focuses on social issues, housing and finance. The new face is that of 32-year-old Rico Schans (Municipality of BBBontgenoot). Over the next four years, he will study services, villages and districts and the portfolio of sports and exercise.
