New cancer medicine developed that is milder for children than chemo Medical

Britse Arthur, 11 years old, is one of the first ones who likes to try things out. Hij heeft leukemia and wordt treated in the Great Ormond Street ziekenhuis in Londen. The family no longer has a doctor who has a beautiful heart, but Arthur is still there to treat him. Hij ondergingeerder al chemotherapy, maar niet all kanker was daardoor dwenen en Arthur what he erg door zwakt.

The 11-year-old has a new doctor with me in a ‘blina-rugzak’. Blina, the middel, is a good device for the treatment of volwassenen with cancer. Experts hope that on the other hand the treatment of Arthur can be applied to the medicine and children in a very clear manner can help.

Blina is an immunotherapy that opzoects cancer cells, which is why the patient’s own immune system can be identified and prevented. In tegenstelling dead bij chemo blijven gezonde cells intact.

Het medicijn wordt geleverd in a zakje vloeistof dat via a dun slangetje enkele maanden in a vein in the arm of the patient blijft lopen. A pompje regulates hoe quickly the middel de bloedbaan insijpelt. This can all be taken into account in a rug, which is smaller in size. For children it is important to treat them with other things that you can do, so you can have a game with a donation fee.

Arthur wants to have four days in the kitchen with the blina-kit in late bijvullen. The rest of the treatment can be done on the floor.

Volgens artsen kan het nieuwe medicijn chemotherapy diet wich tachtig Percent vangen, writes the BBC. The Britse hoofdonderzoeker and consultant pediatric hematologist Ajay Vora zei aan de BBC dat het middel “een zachtere, vriendelijkere behandeling” is. “Chemotherapy contains toxins that damage leukemia cells, but also normal cells and damage them – this is something that can be done quickly.”
