New Bruges book festival FAAR presents ‘across the low countries’

New Bruges book festival FAAR presents ‘across the low countries’

For those who want to follow in the footsteps of Arnout and his two companions, there is now the book ‘Dwars door Lage Landen’. It is a practical guide full of tips and tricks with adventure of chance, because on the way you never know who will cross your path.

Arnout Hauben is one of the many authors who got a place at FAAR this weekend. The new book festival turned out to be a sea of ​​activities spread all over the city. The organizers deliberately did not aim for a trade fair. By spreading the concept over several days, visitors traveled throughout the city. The book festival had aimed for about four thousand visitors for the first edition. Non-fiction is a broad genre that apparently appeals to many readers.
