New attempt: no more cars in Hoofdstraat Hoogeveen from next month

The Hoogeveense Hoofdstraat will no longer be accessible to cars and trucks from March 4. Posts on the access roads to the city center make this impossible. The posts will only be lowered into the ground for people with a permit.

The pole system was installed a year ago, but it could not be put into use immediately because it took time to connect the system to the power grid. Moreover, it took longer to set up a good system for permits.

The municipality of Hoogeveen wanted to put the system into use in February, but it then turned out that it could get in the way of emergency services. The posts must prevent nuisance from loading and unloading (freight) traffic. Supplies should be done as much as possible at the back of the store premises. If this is not possible, a permit can be applied for.

“In addition to the regular supply of the shops, there is a lot of nuisance from the parcel services both during the day and in the evening. In addition to unsafe situations, this also causes damage to the new layout of the Hoofdstraat,” the municipal council previously reported.

This should be definitively resolved from next month. “From Monday, March 4, the time has really come: the center of Hoogeveen will be closed to cars and trucks using retractable posts,” the municipality writes on Facebook.
