Neuroscience to marketing: how brands apply it

The neuromarketing It is the discipline that studies and typifies the behaviors and reactions of the audience to certain communication stimuli. And to the advertiser, it provides a tool to better understand their target audience and know how he reacts to a certain advertising impact. And consequently optimize the budget dedicated to communication.

According to advertising studies, 21% of 615,000 billion dollars spent last year on global marketing campaigns, were wasted due to lack of effectiveness. And there several neuromarketing-oriented agencies offer their services. “We offer a comprehensive solution where once we discover and capture the audiences, we take them to websites or landing pages that we design ourselves, in order to test between different options and see which one works best with the audience,” explains Gerson Temperley of Avalon3.

The consultancy that he created together with Nico Ardanáz, definitely grew during the pandemic with the e-commerce explosion and the landing of thousands of brands and SMEs that needed advice on their digital landing, where competition is fierce and only those who succeed better conversion rates in sales they achieve. “We have a very strong teamwork philosophy. And we believe that machines must be governed and not the other way around, and perhaps that is why Avanlon3 has become the most recognized and sought-after digital marketing agency in the market”, Gerson remarks.

“Neuromarketing involves better understand your audience, know how they feel in front of the infinity of advertising impacts they receive daily, and based on that, optimize communications to impact them in the best possible way. This notably improves communication in both directions”, describes the Creative Director.


Neuromarketing draws on many new technologies. Like facial recognition that helps detect and analyze user microexpressions versus content, and translate it into emotional analytics. “You can get to know what stimulus affects each target in a positive or negative way, and adjust the content of the advertising to achieve a higher ROI”, continues Gerson.

According to a Statista survey, the main conversion factor is still price, at 62%. But 32% decide to purchase if there is responsible monitoring -and human- beyond the bot (governed by artificial intelligence to predict the most common questions), and 25% also check if the brand or service has good recommendations in forums and blogs. “The conversion is much higher when there is a human in the service, and this is essential because many brands blindly turned to bots,” claims the specialist.

by RN

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