Netto is testing unlocking the shopping cart via app

Some Netto customers may notice a change when shopping. The food discounter has installed new shopping carts in some branches. These not only look a little different, but also come with an unusual function: you can unlock them using the app. Find out more about this at TECHBOOK.

Everyone knows this: it’s only when you get to the supermarket that you realize that the coin you need to unlock your shopping cart is missing from your wallet. Now you would have to go to the checkout, where the appropriate chips are usually already sold out, or you could change money. Annoying – but it may soon no longer be necessary. The discounter Netto is the first to test a corresponding function via app.

At Netto, unlock your shopping cart via the app

In two Bavarian branches of the food discounter (on Regensburger Straße in Burglengenfeld and on Bahnhofsstraße in Sünching) it is already possible to unlock the shopping cart without a chip or coin. The “innovative additional function” as in one Press release is called, was therefore integrated into the Netto app. Customers apparently only need to install this on their smartphone.

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Digital system “Hybridloc”

According to the publication, the new system called “Hybridloc” is celebrating its global premiere in Netto markets. To make it applicable, hardware was upgraded in the relevant markets. There are now shopping carts from the manufacturer Wanzl there. More details about his digital deposit lock can be found on WanzlCompany website to read.

The new shopping carts at Netto have an activation field. To unlock the lock mechanism, customers simply need to hold their smartphone over the field and shopping can begin. You don’t have to open the app specifically.

Unlocking your shopping cart via the app – this is possible at NettoPhoto: Photo credit: Wanzl GmbH & Co. KGaA

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“The technology is based on near field communication (NFC), similar to mobile payment,” it continues. Many smartphone users already use this when they make contactless payments without reaching for their wallet or card holder. The NFC chip is standard on newer smartphones. You simply hold your cell phone up to the reader at the checkout. NFC also works on a smartwatch. It is not clear from the press release whether the same will also apply to the updated Netto app in the future.

But don’t worry: If this is all too digital for you, you can still unlock the new shopping carts with coins.

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Will shopping carts even be returned?

The previous deposit system for shopping carts also made sense. Last but not least, the temporary “payment” – even if it was only in coins – meant an incentive to return the frame to its storage location after the purchase and not simply leave it in the customer parking lot.

It’s not entirely clear how we want to ensure this with the new cars. Alternatively, as Wanzl further explains, “digital vouchers for your next purchase” would be conceivable.

Other supermarket chains are likely to follow

If the system proves successful, it will probably only be a matter of time before Netto makes it possible to unlock shopping carts via app in all branches throughout Germany. And Wanzl does not have an exclusive contract with Netto. So you can probably assume that other supermarkets and retail chains will follow.
