Net’s Efeleri made 2 in 2 – Breaking Volleyball news

“Filenin Efeleri”, who did not start the match well, could not defend well against the effective services of their opponent and lost the set 25-19.
The crescent-stars, who recovered in the last part of the first set, entered the second set well. The national team, who served well with Adis Lagumdzija, won the second set 25-16 with the effective play of Burutay in the attack and equalized 1-1 in the score.

The National Team, which started well in the third set of the match, could not prevent its opponent from reducing the gap to 2 points (22-20), despite establishing a 19-11 advantage. However, Turkey, which prevented Denmark from taking the lead, took the set 25-22 and took the lead 2-1.

The Nationals served effectively with Arslan Ekşi in the fourth set. Having difficulty in meeting Turkey’s good services and being unorganized, Denmark could not prevent the gap from widening. Playing comfortably, the A National Team won the set 25-11 and the match 3-1.

Adis played an important role in the victory by reaching double digits with 17 points and Burutay 14 points in the National Team.

Defeating Azerbaijan 3-0 away in their first match in the group, “Filenin Efeleri” made 2 out of 2 with the victory of Denmark.
