Netflix Named The Crown a “Fictional Dramatization”

Netflix’s hit series has found itself in the middle of an uproar as a result of the events of the upcoming season.

The fifth season will be shown on Netflix in November. PDO

About the British royals The Crown – hit series has been caught up in the whirlwind of uproar over the past few weeks. In the upcoming season of the series, it is planned to show, among other things, the last moments of Princess Diana’s life and to delve into the private life of King Charles.

The hit series has already been produced exclusively for Netflix for four seasons. The streaming service has had to comment several times on its decision to show, for example, scenes referring to the death of Princess Diana in the program.

British actress Judi Dench, 87, and the country’s former prime minister John Major have commented harshly on the series and its events. Major previously called on citizens to boycott the series because of the upcoming season.

– A significant number, especially of foreign viewers, may consider the program’s version of history to be completely true, Dench stated to The Times magazine.

In the new season, the last moments of the late Princess Diana’s life are remembered. PDO

As a result of the criticism, Netflix added of The Crown the words “fictional dramatization” in the description of the trailer of the fifth production season.

– This fictional dramatization is a true story inspired by Queen Elizabeth II and the political and personal events that shaped her reign, the description says.

of The Crown The fifth season will be shown on Netflix on November 9.

Source: The Guardian
