Netflix, most watched TV series and movies of the week July 10-16, 2023

What’s on Netflix? In order not to lose the latest trends and the titles that most captivate the public, Netflix creates the weekly Top Ten charts of the most watched TV series and films in every single country in which it is present and throughout the world.

By entering the platform, everyone can find on the home page Netflix the Top Ten of movies and TV series which is updated every 24 hours and thus gives a snapshot of what is being chosen by users in that country. Instead, every week, Netflix creates a Top Ten of movies and TV series referring to the data of views from the previous week.

​Based on the latest calculation update of June 2023, the rankings of the most watched titles on Netflix are made according to the “views”, a figure of “visits” to the title that arises from a proportion between the duration of the product and the total hours views. A modality that rewards, for example, comedies that have a shorter duration and which therefore in the absolute number of viewing hours could be penalized.

​In the week from Monday 10 to Sunday 16 July on the podium of the most watched TV series in the world is the first part of Defense attorney 2 with over 8.3 million views ahead of the 6.7 million views of The Witcher 3 and Fatal Seduction with 6.6 million views. Among the films in the world it prevails The Out Laws Outlaw in-laws while the thriller Birdbox: Barcelona it is second with 16.3 million views. In the next tabs we see the Italian rankings of films and TV series and the total data which has been stable for weeks and is difficult to change.
