Netflix is ​​“forced” to show Russian propaganda

Netflix will have to comply with Russian regulations in order to continue operating in the country.

Netflix is ​​in a bad situation. AOP

Netflix streaming service is required to show Kremlin propaganda content in Russia to operate in Russia from early March, reports Politico. The reason for this is the new obligations imposed on it on 1 March.

Last year, Netflix was added to the register of “audiovisual services” controlled by the Russian Communications Regulatory Authority Roskomnadzor. Streaming services on the Russian market must be part of this register if it has at least 100,000 daily users. According to Politico, Netflix has about one million subscribers in Russia.

Netflix is ​​required to stream 20 Russian television channels. Examples of channels are Pervyi kanal (Ykköskanava), NTV and Spas.

Of these, Channel One in particular is strongly linked to the Kremlin and is headed by individuals belonging to the Russian President. Vladimir Putin related parties. According to Politico, Putin’s first deputy chief of staff is involved Alexei Gromovwhose tasks include overseeing the state ‘s propaganda production and censorship program.

A researcher specializing in Netflix’s business, reached by Politico Catalina Iordache considers it unlikely that Netflix will cease operations in Russia. Netflix has entered into agreements with the Russian National Media Group and invested in Russian content, such as the production of the drama series Anna K, which is based on a Russian author Leo Tolstoy to the novel Anna Karenina.

Somessa was enraged

Politicon Netflix news has angered people around the world. Many have announced that they will cancel their Netflix subscription.

Inquiries about Netflix’s customer services have been answered as follows:

– Netflix is ​​impartial. We think it’s important to promote cultural discussion rather than choosing a side, shared by a Twitter user in the answer is told.

Many Twitter users share the same message saying Netflix supports Russia.

Story updated at 2:23 PM: Added a section related to Twitter discussions.
