Netflix burns $30m on He-Man movie

Actually, Netflix wanted to crown its “He-Man” offensive with a real film. Now, however, the streaming service is giving up the expensive project after more than $ 30 million has already flowed into it.

When it comes to “Masters of the Universe”, many will surely get a bit nostalgic. The cartoon series from the 80s has now achieved cult status. Streaming giant Netflix has gradually revived the popular franchise in recent years. For example, the animated series “Masters of the Universe – Revelation” was released in 2021, which builds on the original. The culmination of the whole thing should actually be a live-action film. However, it has now become known that the streaming service is dropping the project – after many millions of dollars have already flowed.

Netflix wants to sell “He-Man” film

It is not known exactly how far the Netflix project has progressed. However, it is known that directors and even actors have already been signed for the “He-Man” film by Netflix. With Kyle Allen, for example, a “He-Man” actor had already been found. The American actor is known from “American Horror Story”, “Rosalinde” or “Space Oddity”, among others.

As now, among other things, the American magazine vanity reported that Netflix has backed away from the project. The reason for this was the exploding costs for the “He-Man” film. 30 million US dollars have already been spent on the development costs alone. The overall costs for the film, on the other hand, are likely to be significantly higher. Things aren’t exactly going well for the streaming giant Netflix at the moment. In the spring of 2022, the company was confronted with declining figures for the first time. The share price also fell. Netflix also did not start 2023 as strongly as expected. However, since the streaming provider has not yet commented on the withdrawal from the “He-Man” project, one can only speculate about the connections in this regard.

Incidentally, there is actually a much bigger idea behind the “He-Man” film. Toy manufacturer Mattel is planning to donate films to various toys. The “Barbie” film by Greta Gerwig with Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling is also a piece of the puzzle of this strategy. Loud consistent reports from some US media a total of 45 films are being planned.

So what’s next for the He-Man movie?

Due to the extensive framework that Mattel is planning in the film area, Netflix’s withdrawal should not mean the end of the entire film. However, the toy manufacturer now has to look for a new partner. So far, the “He-Man” film has generally been under a bad star. Since 2007 there have been efforts to create another live-action adaptation of the 1987 film “Masters of the Universe” starring Dolph Lundgren.
