Netflix begins cracking down on shared accounts globally





It’s common among series fans to share Netflix accounts, even if you don’t live in the same household. So far, the streaming provider has turned a blind eye, but Netflix announced at the beginning of the year that it would take stricter action against the unauthorized sharing of passwords. A newly introduced function is a step in this direction: In the future you can transfer data from an existing profile to a new account.

What sounds practical is primarily intended to encourage users to create their own account instead of secretly using that of friends or family members who live far away. Strictly speaking, the function of creating several user profiles within one account was only intended for members of the same household. Netflix wants to enforce that now. The function should be available worldwide.

“People move, families grow, relationships end. But despite these life changes, your Netflix experience should remain the same,” one said Message from Netflix. “To this end, we are introducing profile transfer today – a function that allows people who use your account to transfer a profile.” For example, it should be possible to transfer title history and personalized recommendations to a new account.

Netflix is ​​currently testing various measures against secret sharing of accounts in different countries. This includes the ability to officially share an account between different households for an extra fee. Netflix introduced this feature in July in some South and Central American countries, such as Argentina and Honduras, but plans to expand it to other countries as well. Netflix, long the undisputed pioneer in streaming, is currently under pressure due to falling subscription numbers.




