Nestlé launches vegan KitKat in Europe | News

The Swiss food giant Nestlé will launch the vegan version of the chocolate bar KitKat in fifteen European countries from Friday. The company announced this on Friday.

In June last year, Nestlé already tested the sale of the vegan KitKat V, including in the Netherlands. For the plant-based version of the chocolate bar, the food manufacturer uses rice as an alternative to milk. It is one of the largest launches of a vegan alternative from a well-known brand. The development of the product took two years.

The plant-based version will cost slightly more due to more expensive ingredients and stricter hygiene rules. During the trial period last year, Nestlé converted about one euro for a bar, compared to about 80 cents for the normal version.

According to the financial news agency Bloomberg, the vegan chocolate market is worth about $533 million, and will grow to about $1.4 billion within a decade. Nestlé starts with a production of 300 tons of vegan KitKats. With the classic KitKat, this amounts to tens of thousands of tons per year for the whole of Europe.
