Neighbors share their views on Irene Cara’s life

Irene Cara died in November. His neighbors hadn’t seen him in ages.

Irene Cara was 63 years old when she died. PDO

Fame and Flashdance…what a feeling Irene Cara, known for her hits, died unexpectedly on November 25. He was 63 years old when he died.

Cara lived in Florida, in the city of Largo. Now, Cara’s neighbors and friends have revealed specific information about the singing star’s final years.

The insider tells New York Post website that Cara was very obsessive about her privacy during her last years.

– He was a recluse. He didn’t talk to anyone. I didn’t even know he lived there, next door to Cara Roseann Nolan commented to the New York Post.

Cara’s other neighbor Maria Contreras says he tried to befriend Cara before he really knew who lived next door. According to Contreras, Cara refused to even go for a walk.

– I sent him text messages and called him, but I didn’t get an answer for days. And he never called on the phone, he called on the computer because he was so concerned about his privacy.

Cara’s cause of death is unknown. PDO

Only one guest

Contreras says that only one outsider visited Cara’s apartment: a man who cut the lawn.

– But even he (the man) was not allowed to go inside the house. One time Cara got mad at me when I tore down the fence between our houses so I could build a new one. He sent me crazy messages and saved them on my phone.

– He was really worried that he wouldn’t be safe, even though the fence was only down for a day, the neighbor recalls.

Cara’s biggest hits were Fame and Flashdance…what a feeling. MPNC

Also representatives of Cara Judith Moose and Betty McCormick shared their own view of Cara’s life. According to them, the singer left the music world of her own free will. However, Cara had been trying to revive her career in her last months.

McCormick states that Cara’s death was not related to drugs or alcohol and was not a suicide. McCormick tells the New York Post that he disagrees with Cara’s final years at Largo.

– He was just so afraid of the coronavirus, McCormick revealed.

Cara’s cause of death has not yet been released. His representative Moose said earlier that the cause of death will be published as soon as it is known.

Source: New York Post
