Neighborhood shocked by violent robbery on full terrace in Amsterdam South: “You don’t expect that here”

They are shocked, local residents and entrepreneurs in the Beethovenstraat. On Friday evening, a man was pointed at his head on a crowded terrace. “You wouldn’t expect that here, and then also in public,” said a girl who lives nearby.

The images of the incident have been going around on social media since Sunday† It can be seen that the 54-year-old victim is eating with three others at the restaurant when suddenly someone comes at him with a gun. The man hit the victim several times on the head with the weapon. In the end it manages to break free. The aim of the gunman, according to the police, was to steal the victim’s Rolex, but he does not succeed.

“I was not there myself, I was on vacation, but I saw the images,” says a man who works in a shop opposite the restaurant. “Unbelievable actually, it looks a bit like the same thing a few years ago, with that liquidation.” The man is referring to a deadly shooting in 2018, at the same restaurant. Then a 62-year-old Croatian criminal was shot dead.

The victim of last Friday’s incident remains physically unharmed, but a woman who is also sitting on the terrace is injured. That happens when the victim throws a chair away. He accidentally hits the woman in the face. She fractures two front teeth and her chin needs stitches in the hospital. The man is late AT5 know that he finds it very annoying that he has hit the woman.

He further stated that he did not wish to comment on the substance in connection with the ongoing investigation. He does say that he is in shock and that he immediately sold his expensive watches. “I don’t think it’s worth risking for that reason.” He has already filed a complaint.

The suspect ran away immediately after the incident, the police would like to know more about him. †We would like to get in touch with witnesses, including entrepreneurs or local residents of the Beethovenstraat,” says Margareth Bannor of the Amsterdam police. “Do you have information or, for example, camera images? Please contact us as soon as possible.”
