Neighborhood officer Hicham receives hefty parking fine in Boxtel

District police officer Hicham of the Selissenwal district of Boxtel came home from a cold fair this weekend. While he was working with his police car, he was given a parking ticket. One Hanin had put a note under his windshield wiper that the fine for wrong parking is 150 euros.

Hicham is a local police officer and regularly works in the Selissenwal in Boxtel. So is Saturday. He had a job and parked his service car in front of the supermarket on Van Beekstraat. “When I walked back there was a girl by the car waving to me to come. She said she fined me because it’s not allowed to park there.”

Hilarity everywhere, of course, and the fine was high: 150 euros! “I asked if the price could be reduced, because 150 euros is a lot. But that was not possible, she said. And I also had to pay in cash. Well, I tore the fine in half and drove away”, so he says with a laugh.

Hicham regularly shares his police stories on Instagram. “I like to post things like this every now and then,” he says. “And people seem to appreciate it too. Well, it’s possible, right?”
