Need a Valentine’s Day? You have the best chance in Efteling

Are you alone this Valentine’s Day, because you are still looking for your great love? It may not be the first idea that comes to mind, but a ticket for Efteling could help in that case. Because love fairy tales sometimes arise in the fairytale park. We spoke to four couples who got to know each other in Efteling.

Hand in hand
Angelique from Rotterdam did not yet know that the right one was right in front of her when she first met Koen from Brabant in real life in 2017 at Efteling restaurant De Vrolijke Noot. They were both already part of a Facebook group of Efteling fans. After a number of outings with that group of friends, the two of them decided to go to the park. Eventually they walked hand in hand from attraction to attraction.

“I was a single mother to my two-year-old son Bruce,” Angelique says. “I took Bruce to a friend group day like that once, and he immediately got along with Koen.” When they walked to the Piranha, Bruce grabbed Koen’s hand. “Then my heart really jumped, I thought it was so sweet.”

The two got into a relationship and Angelique got pregnant. Even before daughter Merel was born, Angelique packed her things in Rotterdam and moved to Oirschot with Koen. Now they walk together as a family of four through Efteling every month.

Electric shock
The – now demolished – Spookslot is the place where the spark jumped between Fons and Jopie. They met in 2005 through a dating site and decided to go to Efteling together. When they arrived at the Spookslot, Jopie stopped walking in a dark hallway.

“She stopped me and asked if I wanted to hold her hand because she is night blind,” says Bredanaar Fons. “When I took her hand it seemed like electricity was flowing through it. I looked at her and it was love at first sight.” After that, they never let go of each other’s hand.

Exactly one year after that first date, they said yes to each other and celebrated their love in Efteling. “Every year we go back to Efteling, then we walk past places that take us back to our first date. Those stimulations are magical.”

Together in the swans
In 2019, Efteling opened its attraction De Zes Zwanen. Veldhovenaar Nick was eager on that opening day, waiting behind the fence towards the Fairytale Forest. There he happened to be standing next to Erwin, who worked at Efteling. They got to talking about their passion for the amusement park. When the gate opened, they ran together to the entrance of the attraction.

“We were the very first at the attraction,” says Nick. “And we were also in a boat together.” After their ride in the romantic swan boats, Erwin had to go back to work in the park. “We then exchanged numbers and kept texting,” Nick adds. “We kept talking, and got into a relationship in 2020.”

Now they can still be found every week in Efteling. “You can walk around, the Fairytale Forest is just very romantic.”

Like a click
For Melanie and Davey Mandemaker – van Beers from Tilburg, there is no more romantic place than the Efteling. After getting to know each other through a group text message, they decided to go on a date. “I will never forget the first time together in the Droomvlucht”, says Melanie. “Together in such a cart, there was a good connection right away!”

After the first date in 2017, they both knew it was all right, and in 2020 they walked to the altar to the music of the Droomvlucht. “We took our wedding photos in Efteling and completely transformed our nursery in Efteling style.”

Now they walk together almost weekly with their son Charlie through the Fairytale Forest. “There is always a nice atmosphere in the park, but also a romantic atmosphere,” adds Davey. “It is highly recommended if you go on a date.”
