Need a dead plant or new plants? Here in Zoetermeer you can go

The plant shelter

We are all familiar with the animal shelter, but did you know that there is also such a thing as a plant shelter? Dead plants should be taken to the discarded plant shelter. There, a volunteer does everything he can to breathe new life into the plant. A pathetic plant stays in the shelter for as long as necessary to recuperate. After that, the plant can look for new adoptive parents.

Adopt a plant

So the plant shelter is the place to take your pathetic plant. But if you want a new plant, the plant shelter is also the place to adopt a rescued plant. Together with the plant care provider, you will then see which plant suits your living situation. You happy, plant happy. For example, friends Anny and Solange have a plant shelter in Meerzicht. With all their love they ensure that plants can shine again with their green leaves.

Solange and Anny between their plants in the living room. Photo: near Zoetermeer
