Nederweert: ‘Coalition agreement deliberately not boarded up’ | 1Limburg

The coalition parties CDA, JAN and VVD in Nederweert have deliberately concluded an agreement in outline. “Nederweert does not benefit from a boarded-up program”, says the coalition agreement that has been given the title ‘Good for each other’.

The coalition agreement was officially presented on Thursday.

Also read: Advice: coalition CDA, JAN and VVD in Nederweert

Open to input
CDA, JAN and VVD say they are open to the input of residents, companies, associations and other organizations when implementing their policy. But also for the input of other parties in the municipal council. “In addition, we actively seek out those people who we are not yet reaching very well, or who are not represented by an association or organisation. In a community like ours, every opinion and every idea matters,” the coalition agreement states.

‘Top priority’
Housing is mentioned there as the top priority, making room for starters, transfer students, single-person households, seniors, residents with a disability and people with a small wallet.

The three coalition parties believe that people who were born and raised in Nederweert should be given the opportunity to stay in Nederweert. In new construction projects, priority must be given to people who have a social and/or economic bond with Nederweert.

In the area of ​​the transition to sustainable energy, solar meadows and wind turbines are rejected. The focus is mainly on solar panels on (existing) roofs, energy saving and alternatives to natural gas.

Other striking points from the program are the realization of a cohesive shopping area with integration of the library and the community center De Pinnenhof, whether or not renovated or through new construction. Free parking remains in the center.

And furthermore, the stimulation of small sports facilities in the public space, such as exercise gardens, fields for ball sports and a fitness trail. The sports facilities will also be retained in all cores.

In tenders, CDA, JAN and VVD want to give priority to local companies where this is legally possible. There will also be a new business park for local entrepreneurs if there is a demonstrable need for it.

Other program items
More greenery in the neighbourhood, actively guiding people to paid work or voluntary work and possible camera surveillance in unsafe places or locations with a lot of nuisance, are also points that have been included in the coalition programme.

The new coalition wants to provide space for future-oriented agricultural entrepreneurs with extra attention for business successors, young farmers and horticulturists. She also wants to contribute to alternative sources of income for farmers, such as sustainable energy generation, agricultural nature management and camping options.

At the same time, the aim is to solve the bottlenecks in the field of particulate matter and to draw up an air quality program.

debt free
The new coalition program also notes that Nederweert is one of the few municipalities in the Netherlands that is debt-free. And of course they want to keep it that way.

In any case, it has been agreed that the real estate tax will only be increased with inflation and that the increase in local taxes will be critical. In addition, the income from the dog tax is used for dog facilities, such as playing fields.

On May 17, the city council must officially approve the coalition program. Then the three new aldermen will also be installed. These are Carla Dieteren (JAN), Robert ten Kate (CDA) and Jorik Franssen (VVD). The last two are new and, moreover, relatively young at 28 and 26 years old.

Also read: Coalition Nederweert recommends young aldermen

The coalition of CDA, JAN and VVD can count on 12 of the 17 seats in the city council.
