Nederlandse onderzoekers ontdekken waarom patiënten with long covid zo vermoeid zijn: “We are changing in the game” | Wetenschap & Planet

Nederlandse onderzoekers have ontdekt that the aanhoudende vermoeidheid bij patiënten with long covid and lichamelijke oorzaak heeft. “We are changing in the lives of our patients,” says hoogleraar internal geneticist Michèle van Vugt. “The oorzaak van de vermoeidheid is really organic.” Hoe zit dat juist?

The results of the study were published in ‘Nature Communications‘. On the other hand, there are 25 patients with long Covid and 21 years of controlled treatment. It should always take 15 minutes for a fietstest uitvoeren, which will take place with long Covid and a long-lasting performance of the klachten.

Fitness test

The onderzoekers from the Amsterdam UMC and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) took a week before the fietstest and one day after the test het blood and spierweefsel. In the spierweefsel van de longcovidpatiënten there were various afwijkingen te zien, says VU-bewegingswetenschapper Rob Wüst: “Op celebene zagen we dat de zaamde mitochondriën van de Spier, also we de energiefabrieken van de cel, less goed functioneren en dat ze lower energy producers. ”

The quality of the product is ‘truly organic’, says Van Vugt. “Spears raise energy nodig om te move. From this point onwards, we can now only wait and see what good treatment is for people with long Covid.”

Doordat clachten can be upset in physical therapy, a summer classic works before revalidation and physiotherapy is available for the manufacture of several patients.

Michèle van Vugt, hoogleraar internal genetics


How long has covid been in effect? One of the theories is that the coronavirus is happening in the area where the coronavirus has been raised. “In the game we have a moment here that has something to look forward to,” says Van Vugt here. The onderzoekers also have a hard and long function for the patients. The reduced condition will never come to light when the length is hard.

How the sea is produced by the people who produce the besmet zijn with the SARS-CoV-2 virus within their grandchildren, creates a small group long covid. Patients with long covid are best known for their post-exertion malaise (PEM) disease, which is of extreme ability in physics, cognition of emotions, even serious cognition problems (hersenmist), vermoeidheid and intolerantness.


Beyond the physical limits of the vermoeidheid heen, it is always a good idea. Brent Appelman, arts-onderzoeker infectieziekten at Amsterdam UMC: “Doordat klachten kunnen vergeren na fysieke inspanning, sommige klasseieke vormen van revalidatie en fysiotherapie juist averechts voor het herstel van deze patients.”

Sport is also not always good for patients with long Covid, a light span can be helpful. “Concreet advisors who have their patients have their own borders and guards and here they never overlook the situation,” says Van Vugt. “Think about the light in which you never suffer the death of the klachten. Walking is good, of bikes on electric bikes, in the physical condition of the bikes. Houd daarbij remember that each patient has a different size.”

KIJK OOK. Karl wrote a book about long covid: “Hoe long covid my life is still there and I have a terugvecht”
