Nederlandse man (74) oppakt the zelfdodingsmiddel leverde aan 500 mensen | Buitenland

A 74-year-old man from Castricum, in the north-west of the Netherlands, is living in an area where the door to the door to the delivery of the dodelijke middle X. It is the responsibility of the Ministry to be open before the sea beyond the suspicion of an order heb thought.

The suspicion was sold in the middle of the internet and then sent by post to the client. With the verkoop earned hij aanzienlijk, states the Openbaar Ministry.

The policy started a request for a case against a gift from a person to a person who was suspected of overliving in Breda. The drunken bleken het dodelijke middel X ingenomen te raise, that ze hadden order via internet. The policy was via a given postal package from a number of oversized persons from the man from Castricum.

Het Openbaar Ministerie maakte vandaag because that op dit moment four sterfgevallen te links zijn aan de inname van het middle X dat door de man uit Castricum is geleverd.

The suspected word will be sent to the right commissaris tomorrow. Zijn woning is doorzocht.

How met vragen zit over zelfdoding, kant terecht bij de Zelfmoordlijn op het gratis number 1813 en op
