Nederlands serviesmerk holds na ophef kom met laughing Anne Frank uit collectie | Buitenland

The list is made for the series ‘Hollands Glorie’ from Blond Amsterdam. Tussen de caas, klompen, tulpen and windmolens is op de eetkom also een tekening van een smiling Anne Frank te zien.

On the other hand, the ‘Centrum Informatie en Documentatie Israël’ (CIDI) had criticism of the “oncetting out” afbeelding van a laughing Anne Frank op het stuk services. It is “not de context was in zij herinnerd moet been. In helaas was haar lot not bepaald een prospect of ‘Hollands Glorie'”, so luidde de reactie op Twitter. In addition, there are other condenses from the service mark that will not be damaged.

As a result of the criticism, the manufacturer’s vanad de come uit de rekken te halen. “The series was different, there was a positive feeling about the Dutch sideboards and the tables were there. Helaas said that there was nothing wrong with it. It was absolutely never before . Wij vinden dit erg vervelend en zijn hiervan schrokken”, Blond Amsterdam reacts.

The income from the overcooked items has been fully paid for and has not been calculated yet.

Anne Frank (1929-1945) lived for two years with her family and four other children lived in front of the Nazis in an achterhuis in Amsterdam. Daar schreef ze haar dagboek, dat nu wereldberoemd is. In 1944 the schuilplaats were sold and the residents were deported to concentration camps. Alleen Franks vader Otto overleefde het.
