Nederland wil capaciteit wind energy op zee dubbelen tegen 2030 | milieu

The Netherlands regering will double the capacity for wind energy at the moment of the coming years. By 2030 he would like to go to disappearing areas in the Noordzee with windmills bijkomen, so heeft de regering vrijdag beslist.

The regering duidde vrijdag three new areas aan en bevestigde two al eerder aangewezen areas, all the north and north-west of the Netherlands. The wind turbines that have been built will generate 10.7 gigawatts of wind energy. There are two more zoveel than het bruik van alle Nederlandse huishoudens samen.

“With the given total planned capacity for energy from wind at sea, doubled up to 21 gigawatts around 2030”, says the Netherlands regering in a personal report Nederland, says the Dutch Minister for Climate and Energy Rob Jetten.

In 2040, hele would like energy production to be climate-neutral. The use of fossil fuels must then be completed. Keep to the zone and wind energy kijkt het cabinet daarbij also to the building of the new central core.
