Necessary budget cuts or under guardianship; Medemblik with back against the wall

The forming parties in Medemblik are today presenting the coalition agreement to residents and entrepreneurs. A unique phenomenon, because as a resident of Medemblik, this is the time to participate and give advice about the draft agreement. The main points of this are clear and the municipality is feeling the hot breath of the Province, because if 5.7 million euros are not cut within one year, Medemblik will come under financial supervision.

The almost certain coalition of Medemblik consists of: CDA (5 seats), Gemeentebelangen (5 seats), TOMORROW! (4 seats) and D66 (2 seats). This morning they talked to the residents and stakeholders in the town hall on Dick Ketlaan.

“I have my big doubts,” says resident Freddy. “I have the idea that the municipality will soon be placed under guardianship of the Province.”

The forthcoming coalition is not even officially at the helm or already feels the hot breath on its neck. Because if 5.7 million euros are not cut within a year, Medemblik will come under financial supervision by the Province.


Property taxes (OZB) is one of the first emergency brakes on which the coalition pulls. For residents, this means an increase in the current property tax rate, which already rose by 14 percent last year. Colleagues can assume that an additional 30 percent will soon be added.

“At the moment, about 7.6 million euros is coming in thanks to the current property tax rate,” says party chairman Geert Mos of the D66. “Then there will soon be another 30 percent and then you are talking about an extra 2.5 million euros. Then we are just not there yet…”

The party leader of D66 therefore says that more is needed to close the gap of 5.7 million euros. “We will also have to look very closely at the facilities, because otherwise we will not make it.”


A handful of residents decide to enter the town hall in the morning. However, there are several chairmen present, for example: Wognum Gym and Gymnastics Association and Swimming Pool De Zeehoek. Both are very concerned about the future of their property.

“It will be hard decisions,” says Jos Oostenbrink of Swimming Pool de Zeehoek. “It could mean the pool is closing.” Also for chairman Jan Groenland
of the Wognum Gym and Gymnastics Association, these are not rosy times. “The building we are in just needs maintenance. It is a small investment, but then it will last another 10 years.”


If, in the worst case scenario, the municipality of Medemblik cannot complete the budget and falls under guardianship of the Province, the impact will be significant. “In that case, you are actually no longer allowed to make any major expenditure yourself,” explains Mos. “Then we would have to submit everything to the Province first.”

And that sounds a bit like being a child, you have to ask your mother if you can buy a candy.
