Nearly 70 neglected animals found in Overijssel | Inland

It concerns 30 rabbits, 25 chickens and pigeons, 6 goats, 4 dogs and 2 horses. Some sheep that were also found are outside the farm and were able to graze and drink from a stream. That is why they have not been included, according to an NVWA spokeswoman. “They have taken care of themselves and are still okay.” However, the owner must have a vet look at the animals within two days to make sure they are healthy. If he doesn’t, the sheep will still be taken.

For privacy reasons, the NVWA makes no further statements about the company, the location or the owner. The spokeswoman says that the recheck took place “because this gentleman was already in the picture and was no longer allowed to keep animals, because action has been taken against him before. Now we are looking at what the next sentence will be.”
