Nearly 40 auditors will come to Ruinen on Saturday to play a leading role in Peergroup’s new performance Atropos

A large group of young people will gather at Buitencentrum de Poort in Ruinen on Saturday September 16 to audition for the leading role Max in the performance Atropos. This new production by Peergroup is made in collaboration with Garage TDI and the NoordpoolOrkest and is directed by artistic director Dirk Bruinsma.

The young people are all aged 14 to 20 and on this first and undoubtedly exciting audition day they will take group lessons in voice, acting and movement. The day starts at 9:30 am and lasts until 4:30 pm. This will be followed by an exciting time for the participants to wait and see who will move on to the next and decisive round on Saturday, September 23.

Thundering start

The project got off to a magical start on Wednesday afternoon, September 6, with a thunderous kick-off for De Afvalkathedraal and the performance Atropos.

All makers, builders and partners of the project were present in the shed of John and Roos Boer-Feijen in Veeningen. They saw, among other things, the premiere of the trailer of Atropos, the Noordpool Orchestra played a preview, ticket sales of Atropos officially started and more than 100 students from De Zeven Linden secondary school gave a theatrical presentation of the workshops they attended earlier that morning. had.

Anyone who is involved in the project in any way (for example by being present at the kick-off) receives the title Bouwmeester. During the kick-off there was an opportunity to create your own Master Builder certificate, with which you received VIP treatment.

ATROPOS & De Afvalkathedraal are made by: Peer group location theater, the North Pole orchestra, Garage TDI and the Northern Innovation Lab Circular Economy. The performance and the building are part of Wiede Wold, the cultural year of the municipality of De Wolden.

The Waste Cathedral

Three agencies from the Netherlands and Belgium are working on the design of De Afvalkathedraal, which they do under the name ‘Construction Val’. The intention is that this circular structure will be built by members of Peergroup together with residents of the municipality of De Wolden, with the help of NICE (Northern Innovation Lab Circular Economy) in the context of Wiede Wold, the cultural year of the municipality of De Wolden.

The sustainable structure will be located in Koekangerveld on the Mr. J. de Blieckweg. A series of performances will be given there from May 24, 2024, first the try-out and then the premiere on May 31. The last performance is on June 30.
