Nearly 300 vacancies in Drenthe education

Drenthe schools have hundreds of vacancies. The greatest demand for personnel is in secondary education and primary education, according to figures from statistics agency CBS. This concerns more than 86 percent of all teaching vacancies in the province.

The primary schools in Drenthe have 100 unfilled vacancies. Secondary education has 130 vacancies, while MBO and (secondary) special education have to fill 40 and 20 FTEs respectively. This brings the total number of vacancies in Drenthe education to 290.

There were more than 41,000 teaching vacancies, full-time jobs and part-time jobs combined throughout the Netherlands. Converted to full-time jobs alone, this would amount to 29,000 vacancies. Of all people working in education, 42 percent had a full-time position.

In addition to teachers, teaching assistants, other support staff and directors were sought. In secondary education, the main focus is on teachers of mathematics and Dutch.

Within secondary vocational education, there was also a relatively high demand for Dutch and mathematics teachers. In addition, there was a lot of demand for teachers for the subject of Health Care and Welfare, a subject from the popular course of study Care and Welfare.
