Nearly 2 billion euros in military aid to Ukraine, including bridge-laying tanks | News item

News item | 8/31/2023 | 14:56

The total value of military aid provided to Ukraine is approaching €2 billion. The replacement value of the delivered equipment has been adjusted slightly downwards. This is because several goods are not being replaced, but have been disposed of. Minister Kajsa Ollongren reports this to the House of Representatives today. It concerns deliveries up to and including 23 August.

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Image: ©Department of Defense

The Netherlands donates bridge-laying tanks, among other things.

The total replacement value of all goods now amounts to approximately € 1.4 billion, compared to € 1.5 billion 2 months ago. That does not mean, of course, that nothing has been delivered. Since the end of June, for example, the Netherlands has donated bridge-laying Leopard 1 tanks, bridges, ammunition and demining equipment. But things like trucks, tents, field hospitals, computers and data systems have also gone to Ukraine. The contribution of the Netherlands to the F-16 training and the supply of aircraft has not yet been included in this amount.

The supplied goods that the Ministry of Defense does not replace include the Bofors 40L70 AA guns. This concerns older equipment that the Ministry of Defense no longer uses.

See the extensive overview of the military support provided. The public list is not exhaustive. Information is missing that is not made public for operational or national security reasons.

The Netherlands also contributes almost €600 million through other initiatives. This includes commercial deliveries and funds.

Effects of the armed forces

The supplies of equipment have an effect on the readiness of the Dutch armed forces. The consequences for this are still considered acceptable under the current circumstances. For example, there is a delaying effect on procurement projects. Defense hopes to mitigate this by, among other things, accelerating the purchase of replacement equipment. However, prices are rising rapidly as the defense equipment market is under pressure.

European Peace Facility

€ 3.5 billion has currently been made available from the European Peace Facility (EPF). This amount serves as compensation for supplies of military equipment from EU countries to Ukraine. The Netherlands has declared € 791 million as of 18 July. More than € 242 million has already been compensated. Not all claims are paid.
