Nearly 1.3 million viewers see guests in Bed and breakfast walking pigs | show

The first episode of the new season of Bed and breakfast on NPO 1 attracted almost 1.3 million viewers on Monday evening. This puts the program in third place in the top 25 with the best viewed programs of the day, according to figures from Stichting KijkOnderzoek. The viewers saw, among other things, how the participants let pigs out.

In Bed and breakfast three couples spend a night in each other’s quarters. On Monday it was the turn of friends Carl and Inge, Els and her daughter Floor and the couple Marion and Maarten. The trip was kicked off in Overbetuwe, the place where Carl and Inge run their B&B in a huge building. Costs? 145 euros per night. For that amount, the guests got a huge room.

After the stay in Overbetuwe, the participants traveled to Bunschoten, where Els and her daughter had furnished their log cabins in the most creative way possible. For 95 euros per night, including breakfast, guests could enjoy the view of the harbor through binoculars. “What a view”, Inge exulted.

The adventure ended in Brabant. There Marion and Maarten run a bed and breakfast in the farm of Marion’s parents. For 123 euros per night, the couple had something extra to offer the guests: the farm was also an experience center around pigs. The lodgers seemed to like that. For example, they visited the stables, but the pigs were also walked – neatly on a leash.

After three days of full assessment, but above all enjoyment, there was still one question left unanswered: which accommodation would be rated best? The win eventually went to Marion and Maarten. With no less than 106 percent of the asking price, the couple managed to surpass both Inge and Carl and Els and Floor.

Other programs that did well on Monday night included Priceless (more than 1.6 million viewers), The evening show with Arjen Lubach (more than 1 million) and Hunted VIPs (842,000). The eight o’clock news managed to attract the most viewers, more than 2.1 million people tuned in to it.

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