NCTV employees and police arrested on suspicion of leaking state secrets

Two (former) employees of the National Coordinator for Counterterrorism and Security (NCTV) were arrested last Thursday on suspicion of possessing and publishing state secret information. It reports that Prosecution Wednesday.

It concerns a 64-year-old man from Rotterdam and a 35-year-old woman from Gouda. The man still works at the NCTV, the woman is a former employee and recently joined the police.

On Tuesday, October 31, the suspects were brought before the examining magistrate, who subsequently decided that they must remain in custody for fourteen days. The pair are under restrictions, meaning they are only allowed to have contact with their lawyers. According to the Public Prosecution Service, the investigation by the National Criminal Investigation Department is in full swing and searches have already taken place in several places.

The Public Prosecution Service reports that it cannot provide any further details in the interest of the investigation.
