Nba Ukraine, Len and Mykhailiuk’s message of pride

Alex Len and Svi Mykhailiuk address their compatriots and the world: “Resist, our strength is in unity”

Alex Len and Svi Mykhailiuk are the only two Ukrainian players in the NBA. But they did not want to lack solidarity with their people, under siege after the Russian invasion.

the message

“A great tragedy has struck our beloved country, Ukraine – reads the joint message published by the two on social media -. We condemn war categorically. Ukraine is a sovereign and peaceful state inhabited by people who want to decide their own destiny. We pray for our families, friends and relatives and all the people who live on Ukrainian territory. Let’s hope this terrible war ends soon. Dear Ukrainian friends, hold on! Our strength is in unity! We are with you!”.

who I am

Len, 28, was born in Antratsit, a city in the breakaway Donbass region who asked for military aid from Russia, providing Putin with the “justification” for the invasion. He entered the NBA in 2013 as 5th overall choice in the draft, this season he plays in Sacramento (6.2 points and 4.6 rebounds in 33 games). Mykhailiuk, 24, was born in Cherkasy, a city about 3 hours southeast of Kiev: chosen by the Lakers with the 47th call to the 2018 Draft, he is in his first season with Toronto (5.3 points per game in 43 games).
