NBA: Setback for Warriors, Bucks win top game, NBA – NBA – basketball

Franz Wagner from Berlin, who played well with a total of 18 points, sealed Orlando’s 20th win of the season with three converted free throws and a dunk in the last 14 seconds of the game. “He has an incredible will to do the right thing. He wants to seize these big moments. He’s very present there.”coach Jamahl Mosley praised his number 22.

“It is great”, said the 20-year-old Wagner. At half-time his team was leading 46:38, then was up to 14 points behind and still won. “We had fun in defence, too,” he said.

Milwaukee Bucks secure second place

In the top game Eastern Conference conquered the Milwaukee Bucks the Chicago Bulls 126:98. After a game break due to knee problems, Giannis Antetokounmpo scored 25 points and 17 rebounds and consolidated second place of the defending champion behind the Miami Heat. The Bulls are fifth.

Source: dpa
