NBA playoff results: Milwaukee-Miami, Memphis-Lakers, Cleveland-New York

The Bucks find a way to sensationally lose even game-5, after the incredible slide in the fourth match of the series, and sadly exit the postseason in the first round. The team that many considered the real favorite for the title must therefore bow to an absolutely sumptuous Butler who once again takes the Miami attack on his shoulders, dragging the Heat to the second round with series space plays. Another truly bizarre finish for Milwaukee which, ahead by 16 lengths in the fourth period, collects yet another comeback in this incredible series. The Bucks make mistakes in the series in the final minutes of regulation time and are punctually punished at the end by the umpteenth feat of a monumental Butler (42 points) who drags the match into overtime. With an inaccurate Giannis from the line (10/23) Milwaukee struggles even in extra time, Miami takes over the reins of the match and stays ahead. Antetokounmpo brings the hosts back to within 2 with 29″ to go, then after Vincent’s mistake, with nine seconds left on the clock, Milwaukee has the opportunity to redeem himself but manages the last possession in the worst possible way, not even reaching the conclusion. Now the Heat will face the Knicks with the first match of the series scheduled at the Garden on Sunday.

Semifinals, race-1 New York Knicks-Miami Heat, Sunday, April 30 at 7pm.
