NBA Noir: Donald Sterling, the racist owner of the Clippers

The former owner of the Clippers for 30 years led the NBA franchise to ruin. But that was the least damage that the son of two Jewish refugees who fled Nazism did in his deplorable existence as a racist, sexist, cheapskate and molester.

“You can’t go around saying you have black friends.” Politically correct version obviously. Donald Sterling is a racist, homophobe, sexual predator, and deeply convinced that all of this is okay. He dragged the Los Angeles Clippers into his medieval world for years, until, in 2014, the NBA banned him from the league for life and fined him 2.5 million dollars. Besides, what can we expect from someone who thinks it’s appropriate to let a naked woman emerge from a cake to celebrate the birthday of a few-year-old child (true story, told by former NBA star Dominique Wilkins), son of one of the players of the Clips?
