Nba, Jokic towards the Finals: “Come on Denver, now let’s write history”

The Serbian center spoke ahead of the Finals: “I didn’t think I could reach that high. Coach Malone says I’m the same as always? I don’t know, ask my family”

Nikola Jokic never denies himself. Genuine as ever and allergic to the limelight, so his meeting with the media in view of the Finals which will begin on Thursday (in Boston in case of victory for the Celtics or in Denver if Miami wins) becomes a hide-and-seek match for the most irreplaceable player of the NBA who, however, absolutely does not want the headlines in the newspapers. “Coach Malone says I’ve remained the same person as when I arrived in Denver? – underlines the two-time MVP – I don’t know what to say, maybe it’s like this but you have to ask my friends or my family. Indeed, avoid it because they won’t answer you anyway …”.


After a Western Conference final closed with numbers like Wilt Chamberlain (27.8 points, 14.5 rebounds and 11.8 assists) now Jokic, willy-nilly, is waiting for the consecration of the Finals, even if he doesn’t seem very interested in who will be the opponent of his Nuggets . “Race-5 I didn’t see it, I was out for a walk with my daughter, race-6? I don’t know, maybe I’ll get a piece of it with my family”. A truly incredible path that of the Serbian, who quickly went from second choice in the 2014 draft, to backup of Nurkic, to a point of reference for Denver’s attack, to get to the two MVPs and landing at the Finals. “Of course, I never expected it – continues Jokic – I could never, ever have imagined winning the Mvp award, but I think I’ve never changed my style of play, I’ve always remained faithful to what I thought in terms of basketball The success in the Western Conference final? It was wonderful, we know we have made the history of the franchise so it will remain an indelible memory but now we have to think about the next match, our goal is still to win the title”.

Other protagonists

In addition to incredible solidity, Denver this postseason has also shown great maturity, thanks to the leadership of Jokic and Murray but also to the impact of veterans like Caldwell-Pope. “KCP has proved to be fundamental to our successes – underlines the Serbian player – let’s not forget that he has already won a title (with the Lakers in 2020) and that he can boast a great deal of experience. He always does the right thing on the pitch, we all know that we can count on him”. Miami or Boston doesn’t matter to Jokic who only wants to think about his Nuggets.
